03 November National Day of Prayer
Bunillidh Church Of Scotland, Helmsdale Helmsdale, United KingdomCongregations across the length and breadth of Scotland are gearing up for the National Day of Prayer on Saturday 3 November. "The Together We Pray campaign, launched last year by […]
Service of Holy Communion
The service on 04 November will include Holy Communion
Remembrance Sunday
Bunillidh Church Of Scotland, Helmsdale Helmsdale, United KingdomOn 11 November the church service will be at 11.30 am, immediately following the wreath-laying at the war memorial. For those not attending this event, there will be teas and […]
Unwrapping Christmas
A chance to debate the Christmas stories and their relevance to current situations. Open to all who like discussion - just bring yourself and your opinions. We’ll ‘unwrap’ the scriptural […]
Unwrappping Christmas
A chance to debate the Christmas stories and their relevance to current situations. Open to all who like discussion - just bring yourself and your opinions. 7 pm in the […]
Unwrapping Christmas
A chance to debate the Christmas stories and their relevance to current situations, this ran in the weeks leading up to Christmas. We hope to have a similar discussion group […]
Visit by Eco-Chaplain
Scottish Churches Environmental Chaplain (and media artist) Rev. David Coleman visits us. Friday 08 February, 2pm talk in church hall on practical action to work against climate change, with 3pm film, […]
Sunday with the environment as theme
Scottish Churches Environmental chaplain Rev. David Coleman takes the service.
Fishermen’s service
An evening service with the rousing traditional hymns played by our organist Rob. At 6pm. All welcome.