Our Parish is Kildonan and Loth, Helmsdale
To the Editor of Life and Work
You were recently asking what are we doing to keep connected with our congregation during the Lockdown.
Each week I write a wee letter, giving information about the times of Television and radio Worship services, and informing them about Facebook and website services, with any other information relevant to the life in our Church, just a cheery wee note to let them know we are here, remembering them and they are in our Prayers
As we live in a very rural area and our congregation are mostly elderly and certainly not “Tech savvy,” Zoom etc. doesn’t really meet our needs.
Our Interim Moderator writes a lovely sermon which I include with the letter.
Every year we knit chickens and put a chocolate egg inside for the local Primary School. Fortunately we got them to the school before the “Lockdown” so I included these pictures the Chicks in the Church before they were delivered to the School.
The Head Teacher was so delighted that although the service was cancelled the children were not forgotten
One Elder delivers fresh eggs to anyone in the congregation who would like some, and they all know they can contact us anytime, and if we cannot help then we will know who can.
I really believe a letter is important, house bound people have something they can read over and over again, and who doesn’t like a letter!!
Our little village has a very active “Resilient Group” so no-one needs to be without.
As a “Thank you” to everyone, from the NHS, local shop, Local Community Transport the list is endless, on Thursday nights at 8.00pm I ring the Church Bell for 5 minutes and will do so each week.
Ringing the Church bell is not only saying “Thank you” but the congregation too who are housebound can feel that they are involved in giving “Thanks”
I hope this Lockdown will not go on too long, next I will be telling them about the Poppies the members of the knitting group are making for our latest project!!
Show them pictures of the Marigold and pansy seeds shooting up for our Church flower pots and floral arrangements, the vegetables and herbs growing in the polytunnel for our Lunches and “Soup and Sweet “events as we are a congregation who, enjoy eating and like our food!! Indeed we have earned a bit of a name for our Hospitality!!!
So God’s spirit is very much alive in our small village and in this time of adversity our small Community have felt so invigorated and blessed.
After many weeks of looking out for each other within our Church and village we Pray it will leave a lasting mark on each and every one
Yours in Christ, Ina D. S. Macpherson
Session Clerk, on Behalf of Bunillidh Kirk Session