Knitting Group
Bunillidh Church Of Scotland, Helmsdale Helmsdale, United KingdomIrene Roberts
Bunillidh Church Of Scotland, Helmsdale Helmsdale, United KingdomKnitting Group
Bunillidh Church Of Scotland, Helmsdale Helmsdale, United KingdomGreer Johnson
Bunillidh Church Of Scotland, Helmsdale Helmsdale, United KingdomCoffee Morning /Sales table
Bunillidh Church Of Scotland, Helmsdale Helmsdale, United KingdomIrene Roberts
Bunillidh Church Of Scotland, Helmsdale Helmsdale, United KingdomStated Annual Meeting
Bunillidh Church Of Scotland, Helmsdale Helmsdale, United KingdomOn 22nd March 2020, the church will be holding its Stated Annual Meeting after a short service led by Irene Roberts. This will be followed by a lunch in the Hall which, on previous occasions, has been very well attended. All are welcome.
Induction / Ordination
Induction and Ordination of Mrs Lorna Tunstall to the charge of Clyne lw Kildonan Loth and Helmsdale
Sunday Worship 1st November 2020
Sunday services will resume on 1st November. Wonderful to welcome our New Minister Rev Lorna Tunstall. Blythswood Shoe boxes or goods can be left at the Church from 11.00am -1.00pm. All government guidelines will be adhered to.
Christmas Celebration
Bunillidh Church of Scotland invite you to join us to Celebrate Christmas 2021 Wednesday 8th December 4.00pm Movie Time:" The Muppet Christmas Carol" (Plus Juice and Popcorn ) Sunday 12th December "Carols by Candlelight" 4.00pm Wednesday 15th December 4.00pm Movie Time : "The Star" (Plus Juice and Popcorn ) Sunday 20th December our Family service […]