A National Day of Prayer

Together We Pray is a national prayer initiative, running from September 2017 to May 2018, calling the Church to join together in prayer. This year, the General Assembly asked the Church to focus on prayer and particularly to pray as the Church thinks about its priorities for the future.

The call to prayer grew out of last year’s On the Road initiative when meetings were held around the country to listen to the hopes and concerns of church members and to explore solutions to the challenges of ministry and discipleship in the 21st century.

Throughout the year, we will support your efforts through prayer resources (that will be available online over the course of the initiative) and highlighting opportunities to pray for the future work of the Church. In particular, there will be a National Day of Prayer on 25 November in which we hope you will want to be involved.

Our hope is that through Together We Pray, people will join together bringing all of life before God in prayer and imagine the future for The Church of Scotland and our communities.

Together we Pray

Bunillidh Parish Church will be open from 12.00noon – 2.00pm.

Please feel welcome to join us in the Church Hall for a time of Prayer and Fellowship.

If you prefer to have some quiet time in the sanctuary of the Church and light a candle in memory of a loved one.

If you would like to tag a Prayer point on our “Prayer space ”

You are all most welcome. This is such a busy time of the year it will be good to take some time out to Pray.